A new functional arm brace developed by Geauga Rehabilitation Engineering Orthotics & Prosthetics (GRE) is helping survivors of strokes and other neurological disorders regain use of their arms.

The brace, MyoPro, is custom-made for each patient and is exclusively manufactured by GRE in Chardon.

“We custom-make prosthetics for people who have lost a body part, and custom bracing (orthotics) for people who have a body part, but are unable to use it properly,” said GRE founder, Certified Prosthetist Orthotist, Jonathan Naft.

He said MyoPro works just by reading the patient’s muscle signal, called electromyography (EMG), that is produced when the patient thinks to move their arm.

Read the full story here: http://starbeacon.com/local/x2112884571/Custom-device-created-in-Chardon-helps-stroke-survivors-regain-arm-use